So it begins

A new diet for your pets might seem daunting. Read this overview and start feeding raw to improve your pet's life no matter their age or your budget.

A raw diet consists of raw meat, raw bones (see advanced guide), supplements, and vegetables (for dogs). This is the diet cats and dogs have been eating in the wild for hundreds of thousands of years.

Raw food is available in two different formats: frozen and dry. Frozen raw food is more affordable, but dry raw food is more convenient. Both are equally healthy options and it's perfectly fine to switch back and forth between the two. Many people will feed frozen raw regularly and dry raw while traveling, for example.

Frozen Raw

Comes in a big variety of protein options, sizes and formats. We sell frozen raw that already has veggies included, too. Rest easy knowing that all of our frozen meat is human-grade and comes from In The Raw vetted suppliers only. Plus: all our brands are Canadian.

Dry Raw

Simply scoop and serve, and add water if desired. Our dry raw options are full meals and have everything your pet needs, including supplements and veggies (for dogs).

How much raw food should I feed my cat or dog?

Take their optimal weight in pounds, multiply that by 10 and you will get the grams of food needed per day. Double that amount for kittens and puppies under 1 year old.

Example: an adult dog that weighs 30lbs will need 300g of raw food per day.

Please note that this rule of thumb will be influenced by breed, exercise, lifestyle and other factors. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us should you have any questions. We want our community members well fed!

Food handling safety

  • feed using stainless steel, glass, or ceramic dishes. Wash with soapy warm water after use.
  • wash contact surfaces and hands with warm, soapy water.
  • thaw meat in the fridge overnight.
  • do not leave meat at room temperature for longer than 45 minutes.
  • consume meat within 3 days of defrosting.

Switching to a raw diet

Every pet is different and there is no "right" way to switch to a raw diet. If you have a young, healthy pet, we recommend doing a hard switch. Simply start a new day with 100% raw food.

Another option is to gradually introduce raw food to your pet's diet. Start with 25% raw food and work your way up to a full raw diet in a week.

Have pumpkin, goat's milk, and probiotics on board to ease the transition.

Feeding a mixed diet

While we are proponents of a fully raw diet, some parents choose to feed half raw, half kibble. If you choose to do this, do not mix raw with kibble, as kibble contains fillers and the extrusion process will make kibble and raw digest differently. Feed raw in the morning and kibble at night.

Start here

We know it's a lot. Here's a quick and easy start guide for you:

  •  start feeding chicken (unless your pet has allergies to it. It's the easiest protein to digest)
  • stay on chicken for 10-14 days
  • use pumpkin during the transition if your pet experiences tummy issues
  • relax and enjoy the process of feeding your pet a healthier diet