Cats and dogs have been eating this diet for millions of years. A raw diet has everything your pet needs for a full, happy life—nothing else. Benefits include better health, easier digestion, help with allergies, arthritis and weight. Plus, you'll give your best friends a longer, healthier life.
Raw diets are natural and unprocessed. They contain the texture that your pet's mouth has evolved to chew on (they're not supposed to munch on hard cookies!), and the lack of fillers, grains and other additives means their digestive system is going to have an easier time doing its job.
The kibble issue
There are many kibble brands that promise a complete, balanced diet. Some kibble is even marketed as "vet grade," grain-free, or containing a large amount of meat in it. None of it matters: all kibble is made through the process of extrusion. This involves high amounts of pressure and temperature, which actually denatures the nutritional elements of the food. No matter which kibble you pick, the problem starts with how it's produced.
Why is kibble processed with high amounts of pressure and temperature? To kill bacteria and viruses that are found in the meat they're procuring. Kibble companies can source diseased, unsuitable meat (sometimes from dead animals), and by extruding it, they kill most of the bacteria and viruses, but at the same time denature the food, making it less healthy for your pets.
Don't just take it from us. A simple Google search of "why is kibble bad" should more than convince you to feed your best friends a natural, unprocessed raw diet.
Head over to our raw primer article, to get the basics of raw under your belt.